A downloadable game

This game was made during Brains Eden 2019 from team Beta Bots from SAE under the theme Chain Reaction.

  • Local Multiplayer
  • Color code-generation
  • Time-based
  • Controler Only

Lead Programmer 

Connor Swannell


Adam Hajdu

Viktoria Berta


Wojciech Zurowski


Allen Lindenberg

This game is a controller only, Where you have to pick up the color orbs in order to match your code. If you get all three correct (in the right order), Then you get a second and then eventually third code, If you get all three codes correct then you win.

To stop the second player from winning you can shoot them into other orbs making them have to wait for the correct one to re-spawn. You can also shoot them off to slow them down.


You don't know if you got the code wrong you have to enter the whole code and see if you got it correct

If all orbs are spawned and your color is not there then you have to pick up one and wait for the correct one to spawn (picking up a new orb replaces the old one).



Chaos Factory.zip 47 MB

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